Synopsis: In the virtual world of live streaming, Ethan Yuan, a tycoon, bestows a million-dollar gift upon Joy, a rising star涓绘挱, to declare his sovereignty. In life, he claims, "Little woman, you are mine!" Yet, his affection is but a game to him. When she despairingly leaves, their worlds apart, he proclaims, "Little woman, bestow upon you a lifetime to win your heart!" This is a tale of power, passion, and the quest for love in a world where appearances are everything, and true feelings are
Synopsis: Sarah Summers, once accused of murder, stands in court and nonchalantly admits her guilt, shocking the man who loved her. His expression sours, realizing she has so easily abandoned their love. Perhaps their love was never worth anything at all. After five years in prison, Sarah is released, returning to a world that has branded her a killer. With no education, no looks, and no background, she struggles to find a way to survive, facing the harsh reality of her tarnished reputation and